Hair Transplant
Hair transplant procedure consists on follicle extraction from the donor area to the recipient area (bald area) of the head.
We usually moves hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the head.
Hair transplant typically occur under local anaesthesia.
The majority of hair loss cases are due to variety of factors, including a family genetic history, diet, stress, illness, hormonal imbalance, medications.
We are perfectionists and passionate about our work.

Plastic Surgery
With intermediary hospitals is to involve the restoration and reconstruction of the patient body by providing personal care plan and using the latest and finest surgical techniques.
Adem & Havva Health Group objective is to complete patient satisfaction with an individualized care and naturally beautiful results.

Dental Aesthetic
The dentistry is based on improvement of the appearance of the patient's teeth with a purely aesthetic purpose that anyone can resort to achieve the perfect smile.
With us, the tooth is treated deeply not superficially.